Tuesday 18 February 2014

Eat Cucumber, Its Good For The Body, Best For Healthy Skin

If I may ask, is cucumber a fruit or a vegetable? Most people would generally consider cucumber as a vegetable but by biological and scientific definition, it is a fruit.

Cucumbers have enclosed seeds, and they develop from a flower. But due to their slightly sour and occasionally bitter flavour, cucumbers are prepared and eaten as vegetables. Even in the supermarket, you will find cucumbers in the vegetable section rather than the fruits corner. This reinforces the general assumption that the cucumber is a vegetable.

cucumber is a source of vitamin A, the B vitamins (B6 or pyridoxine, B1 or thiamine, folate, B5 or pantothenic acid), vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium,magnesium, phosphorous, copper, molybdenum, and manganese.

100 grams of cucumber provides about 8 percent RDA of vitamin C, 6 per cent RDA of vitamin A, 7 per cent RDA of molybdenum, and less than 5 per cent of all the other vitamins and minerals stated above.

Cucumbers can be eaten raw or cooked. However, cooking a cucumber will significantly lower their nutrient value.

Some health benefits of cucumber
It contains the highest vitamin C nutrient: Because the flesh of cucumbers is primarily water, it helps soothe skin irritations, and may help to reduce swelling. Cucumbers also have moisture binding, moisture regulating properties. All these skin beneficial properties are especially good for the eyes.

Cucumber is also good for the heart: Cucumber contains sterols which have been known to lower cholesterol in lab tests. The highest concentration of sterols is in the skin/peel of the cucumber.

It help reduce heat and inflammation on the skin: The diuretic, cooling and cleansing property of cucumber makes it good for the skin.Fresh cucumber juice can provide relief from heartburn, acid stomach, gastritis and even ulcer.

Placing a cucumber slice over the eyes not only soothes them, but also reduces swelling: Daily consumption of cucumber helps control cases of eczema, arthritis and gout.
Cucumber has been found to be beneficial for those suffering from lung, stomach and chest problems.

The potassium present in cucumber makes it useful for patients suffering from high or low blood pressure.

Cucumber contains Erepsin, the enzyme that helps in protein digestion. It is beneficial for people suffering from gum infection, especially in cases of pyorrhea.
Being rich in minerals, cucumber helps prevent splitting of nails of the fingers and toes.
Cucumber contains healing properties for kidney, urinary bladder and liver diseases.

Since cucumbers are sensitive to heat, choose the ones that are displayed in refrigerators in supermarkets. Cucumbers should be firm, with round edges, and green to dark green in colour. Try to avoid cucumbers that are wrinkled, puffy, or yellow in colour.

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