Saturday 1 February 2014

Amazing Things You Need To Know About Small Boobs

Have you ever wondered why you have small boobs and others have too much they can maintain? Well if you do, you need not worry because  yours is as good as the big ones.

Big breasted women have to constantly worry about what the men are really interested in. Them or their boobs.

# Sexually Alluring & Attractive
"Sexiness" comes in all sizes and shapes! In reality, men mostly like whatever bust size happens to be on the lady they’ve fallen in love with. But with being "smaller", men are apt to focus on the eyes more.. and WE like that because, what's that Shakespearean saying? .."Eyes are the window to the soul".

# It's The 'Size' For Ballerinas
Ballerinas have small breasts and ballerinas are elegant and graceful. We can't take our eyes off of them dancing or not!

# The Choice Of Wearing A Bra Is Yours
You can decide to wear a bra, if at all. You're certainly free from needing the contraption for supporting "your girls"! French lingerie can be looked upon solely as a decorative luxury! How fun!

# Minimal Sagging With Age
It doesn't matter how old you are, it's science.. small breasts wins the fight against gravity and sagging. Furthermore, you can jump up and down and they won't bounce like embarrassing basketballs!

# The 'Pleasure' Factor
A university study found that bigger breasts are sometimes less sensitive than smaller ones. Sexologist Rachael Ross, MD, PhD. said, "Larger breasts have more fatty tissue than glandular tissue, which is the most sensitive part.. With smaller breasts the glands are easier to stimulate during foreplay because they're not underneath a fatty layer."

# Small Breasts & Health Benefits
Self breast-exams are easier to detect lumps or changes since there's less fatty layers to feel though. Also possessing petite, rather than heavy large "girls" can save you from suffering back and neck problems and therefore a large chiropractor bill! We love that Keira Knightley wears what nature gave her, very well and confidently!

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